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HT-TC-60 - Exhaust Temperature Sensor
Thermocouple is a sensor used to measure temperature using voltage.
There are many types of Thermocouple, each with its own unique characteristics in terms of temperature range; durability, vibration resistance, chemical resistance and application compatibility.
Type K; J; T; N & E are “Base Metal” thermocouples, the most common and inexpensive types of thermocouple where ranges can be from -200 to 1350 °C.
Type R; S; B & C are “Noble Metal” thermocouples; which are used in high temperature application where range can be from 0 - 1700 °C.
Suitable for MAN gas Engines
Sensor type: K-Typ NiCr-Ni K
Output Voltage in mV for NiCr-Ni, Type K
Max. Temperature: 1000 °C
Material (jacket): Inconel 600
Adapter fitting: Stainless steel 316L
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